
Number of judges in Supreme Court of India

As of July 2024, the Supreme Court of India is sanctioned to have a total of 34 judges, including the Chief Justice of India. This number was established by the Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Amendment Act, 2019, which increased the number from 31 to 34 to address the increasing workload and reduce the backlog of cases.


  • Chief Justice of India: The highest-ranking judge in the Supreme Court, who is responsible for the allocation of cases and the appointment of constitutional benches that deal with important legal issues.
  • Associate Judges: 33 other judges who handle the vast array of cases that come before the court, including constitutional matters, appeals, and significant legal questions.

Appointment Process

  • Eligibility: A person is eligible to be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court if they have been a judge of a High Court (or multiple such courts in succession) for at least five years, or an advocate in a High Court for at least ten years, or is a distinguished jurist in the opinion of the President of India.
  • Appointment: Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President of India. The appointment process involves consultation with existing members of the judiciary, including the Chief Justice of India.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Judicial Review: The Supreme Court has the power of judicial review to ensure the constitutionality of laws and executive actions.
  • Appeals: It serves as the highest appellate court, hearing appeals from lower courts and tribunals.
  • Advisory Role: The President of India can seek the Supreme Court’s advice on legal matters under Article 143 of the Constitution.
  • Original Jurisdiction: The court has original jurisdiction in matters involving disputes between different states or between the central government and one or more states.



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