
Invasive wasps threaten South African ecosystems

Invasive Wasp Species


  • Fear of Wasps: Many people fear wasps due to their painful stings.
  • Vespidae Family: Includes over 5,000 species, with about 700 being social wasps.
  • Social Wasp Colonies: Nests can contain 25 to 7,000 wasps.

Invasion and Colonization

  • Spread Beyond Natural Range: Hibernating queens travel as stowaways.
  • Colony Formation: A single queen and a male drone can start a colony, producing over 9,000 offspring in a season.

Ecological and Socio-Economic Impacts

  • Example – Argentina:
    • Damage: Millions of dollars in damage annually.
    • Agricultural Impact: Complicates agricultural activities and damages fruit.
    • Honey Bees: Declines in honey bee populations and other beneficial insects.

Case Study: South Africa

  • Monitoring Efforts: Collaboration with South African National Biodiversity Institute and Stellenbosch University.
  • Citizen Science: Public involvement to monitor and control wasp populations.

Invasive Species in South Africa

  • German Wasp (Vespula germanica):
    • Behavior: Generalist predator, nests underground or in buildings.
    • Identification: Yellow wasps with black antennae.
    • Spread: First recorded in Cape Town (1972), new sighting in Cederberg (2024).
  • European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula):
    • Behavior: Nests above ground.
    • Identification: Orange antennae, flies with legs hanging.
    • Spread: Detected in Kuilsrivier (2008), spread to Porterville and Hermanus.

Potential Threats

  • Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina):
    • Spread: From East Asia to France (2004), now widespread in Western Europe.
    • Impact: Specialist predator of honey bees, dangerous to destroy nests.

Public Involvement

  • Citizen Science Platforms: Use of iNaturalist to track and identify wasp species.
  • Photographing Wasps: Tips for effective photos and data submission.

Key Points for UPSC IAS Exam: 

  • Understanding Invasive Species: Mechanisms of spread and impact on local ecosystems and economies.
  • Role of Citizen Science: Importance in monitoring and controlling invasive species.
  • Case Studies: Specific examples from Argentina and South Africa.
  • Preventive Measures: Strategies to prevent the spread and mitigate impacts of invasive species.

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